Portfolio > Arrested Frame Series

Part of Arrested Frame series, 2012
acrylic and oil on Gessobord
30" x 40"
This painting uses video game source material modified to and arrests its movement on a 2-D surface.
acrylic, oil and Duralar on linen
30" x 40"
This was the first piece in the series where I first abstracted a scene from the video game.
acrylic on canvas
30" x 40"
This painting isolatated a scene from Battlefield 3 to abstract and flatten.
acrylic on wood panel
30" x 40"
This painting experimented with acrylic on duralar to create the poured look in the center.
acrylic, oil and Duralar on gessobord
30" x 40"
Arrested Frame Study 1
oil on wood panel
10" x 12"
Arrested Frame Study 2
oil on wood panel
10" x 12"

This series was created in 2012 to freeze and arrest images from Shooter Video Games making them unable to move and unable to suggest a real environment.